But the Left hand doesn't seem to be aware of what the Very Left hand is doing at the same time.

Oops. According to the Detroit News, Obama's push for Cap and Trade to combat global warming (don't call it 'climate change'), will sink Michigan.
Whoop there it is - government revenues. It's not about a greener earth at all. But it looks good to the far left. It's very progressive you know.President Barack Obama's proposed cap-and-trade system on greenhouse gas emissions is a giant economic dagger aimed at the nation's heartland -- particularly Michigan. It is a multi billion-dollar tax hike on everything that Michigan does, including making things, driving cars and burning coal.
The president is asking for a system of government limits on carbon emissions. The
right to emit carbon would be auctioned off to generate revenue for more government spending programs.The president's budget projects receipts totaling $646 billion through 2019 from the sale of these greenhouse gas permits.
The goal, according to the president's budget outline, is to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions such as carbon dioxide to 14 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.
Supposedly. In any case,
Michigan will lose as carbon tax money is shifted to states with a greater presence of high-tech and service businesses.
The proposed tax would take effect in 2012 and has the very real potential to throw the nation back into recession, if indeed the expected recovery has arrived by then.
It's impossible to raise costs for such basics as manufacturing and energy production by more than half a trillion dollars over a decade and not have the effects felt across
the economy.
The article doesn't even go into what effect it might have on the Big 3 automakers, but expect it to be burdensome on them too. And there's the latest example of the administration working at cross purposes with itself. The cap and trade system will burden the Big 3 as consumers of electricity and cost jobs. It will therefore reduce the market for automobiles and reduce carbon emissions, though not how it was intended to do so. On the other hand, the regular left hand, less auto worker jobs mean smaller unions, and less secured Democrat votes.
To every blue cloud, there's a red lining.
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