April 26, 2024

SCOTUS getting to the root of the matter

In The president Trump criminal immunity case, the justices, even the leftist justices, are asking the real questions, not the questions being asked in the lawfare cases against Trump. Even far left judge Ketanji Jackson Brown, asking a left-leaning question, is addressing a legitimate concern, even if it doesn't apply in the Trump case.

Of course the conservative justices are asking the better questions but the two questions are flip sides of the same coin; "Can the president do whatever he wants with total immunity?" vs. "Can a political candidate be prosecuted for political reasons, by his opponents, with total immunity for the false prosecutors?"

Really they are the same question to some degree because it's what we are seeing the Let's Go Brandon administration trying to do to Trump; prosecute an opponent as president, with total immunity and no consequences.

The answer to the question should not be an easy simple one for political expediency.  Suggesting the president can do anything he wants with total immunity (murder?) is dangerous. Suggesting that a president or former president or a presidential candidate can be prosecuted by anyone for any reason, real or fictitious, is equally dangerous.  There must be some balance in the answer that supersedes the  immediate political interests of the two political parties.  That's not something to be solved with expedience.  It requires a sound ruling from SCOTUS and a subsequent reasonable legislative discussion and eventual law based on that ruling.

That is not to Trump's immediate benefit, but it is to the country's benefit.  What as Trump supporters we can hope for is something that lays waste to the lawfare for the time being while a longer, broader and more thoughtful approach takes place after the 2024 election. 

This ought to help his reelection chances

And by 'his', I mean Trump's, not Let's Go Brandon's...

Because what America needs at this point in time, is a massive tax hike. Okay.

April 25, 2024

People afraid to stand behind what they said [Episode 1]

There's making a mistake like misspeaking, then there's running and hiding when you get pushback:

Democrats' economics 2012 vs. 2024 - from bad policy to bad policy

I was digging through my old posts this morning, looking for a specific one (that I have yet to find).  It led me just now to post on a tangential topic.  And now it's led me to an entirely unrelated topic.  This time, it's about a notion that actually relates to my previous post - Democrats keep making the same mistakes.

In that previous post, I noted that the Democrats' mistakes on Israel and Hamas are driven by politics rather than by morality or even national security.  However, their mistakes on the economy and unemployment are driven by political and economic misunderstanding.  Socialist policies lead to bad outcomes. 

Some people look back on the Obama years with nostalgia, but it's undeserved:

The U6 president, unlike his Nobel Peace Prize, now has an accomplishment he has truly earned. He has presided over the longest stretch of unemployment above 8% in the history of unemployment in the United States (reported by HuffPo - emphasis added);
Stronger job creation could help President Barack Obama's re-election hopes. Still, the unemployment rate has been above 8 percent since his first month in office – the longest stretch on record. No president since World War II has faced re-election with unemployment over 8 percent.
This will be hard for the presidential apologists to spin.

Of course back then, spin mattered. Now it doesn't - few believe this "president" is doing a good, and few believe that spin matters more than who votes and which votes actually get counted. Sad but true.

None of this matters to Democrats, it's about accumulation and retention of power. That and their socialist agenda which they either believe completely or just use to help centralize their power. Nothing more. Hurt Israel, hell hurt Americans.  As long as it serves their purpose it doesn't matter to them. That's evil.  

As I've said many times over the years - they are either too stupid or too evil (or maybe both) to be allowed to lead the country.

Democrat flip flop from 2012 still matters today

In 2012 I shared a post about Democrats flip-flopping on their stance on Israel and Hamas. Back then the Democrats were tacitly trying to hold together a fragile coalition that included groups who apparently despise each other - to this day.

Here's an excerpt:

The Democratic National Convention, reeling from today’s chaotic fiasco surrounding the reinsertion of pro-Israel, pro-God language into the party platform, has announced that President Obama personally intervened to ensure that that language was revived. But Politico is now reporting that President Obama approved the original, Jerusalem-less, Hamas-less language less than a fortnight ago. He didn’t try to change the platform “until after Republicans jumped on the omissions of God and Jerusalem late Wednesday.” And his own party was clearly against it – the people on the floor of the convention probably didn’t even vote in majority numbers for the reinsertion of pro-Israel, pro-God language. They booed Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the DNC chairman, off the stage after he rammed through the measure on the third vote.

Their fragile coalition is fracturing finally. They can only hold the lies to both sides together for so long, and apparently that's about 12 years.

April 24, 2024

This is nothing new

This has happened before.  Remember when the left wing media held secret meetings to align their news stories back in 2012?  I blogged about it, I'll find a link and add it ASAP.  The point is this conspiracy is real, and it's not new news: 

UPDATE: Found the link.
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